Thursday 8 October 2015

And Another Week Goes By....

It certainly feels as if Lyric has been part of the family for much longer than the three weeks that have now passed.

Life is still reasonably quiet, yes I know we should enjoy while it lasts as it will all change very soon I'm sure!

She is now more mobile, though not inclined to make too much effort as she doesn't feel the need.  I have taken her into the garden for a walk around (one of us carrying her), and then yesterday gave her a few short periods down on the grass.  It does seem to make her more curious than she has been, so hope the additional stimulation will help with encouraging her to be more mobile.

She has been wormed, she was not impressed but didn't put up too much fuss.  Think it might change for when she's done in a few weeks time.

She has a few more friends in the box with her and she now seeks them out and snuggles up with them, they have become her new family.  We have to thank Jess and Rookie (Seahaven Celtic Commander) for Fidget the octopus, he is a real favourite with her.

Trio is only going in the box to feed Lyric now, and will settle in there for a rest very occasionally so Lyric friends are great for her.

She is now big enough to get stuck behind the pig rails in the box so they have been taken out today, the box looks so much bigger without them.

Trio is doing great, going out on some of the walks with the other dogs and not worried about leaving Lyric behind at all now.  Her coat is coming out in buckets and we think she's be bald before long so hope the new coat doesn't take too long to come through.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm. I think everyone needs a purple cuddly octopus from time to time - I know I do! Great to see her progressing nicely Donna.
